fredag 7 december 2018

Faux Fur Friday And Weekend Update

Today, the first day in December is Faux Fur Friday, the day where we bring extra attention to the cruel fur industry. Note also that false eyelashes are a many times made of mink hair, which is never ever obtained in an animal friendly manner.

Do I bring this up because I'm one of those militant vegans that makes you want to take a huge bite of a cheese burger just because they're so rude? (See disclaimer below)

No, I'm not. And I absolutely detest PETA (look into stories from former employees of theirs). But I love animals of all kinds and I've been a vegetarian for soon twenty years. I've never bought genuine fur, and never will, because honestly the faux fur today is way better quality anyway.

Besides, it's unimaginable to let your own fur baby live in horror and meet a cruel, slow end by carbon dioxide asphyxiation.

So please make sure the fur on you clothes and accessories is fake!

My little darling Ester. Do you have a fur baby? :) 

This is one of few faux fur accessories I own, and the pic is ooooold.

When it comes to future posts I'm currently writing a piece on what it's like being disabled within the goth community. It will be a story about being a damsel trapped in a tower, looking out and longing to join the wonders outside. About how it is to have a strong will, a strong personality that one wants to express and how that is held back due to illness and disability.

I hope you will find this interesting to read! :)

I also have plans on some post about fashion and diy, which I've been planning since I started this blog. Unfortunately, my energy reservoirs have been depleted due to some very demanding issues, and I've spent the days past Monday completely barefaced with my hair in a mess.

Well, with that said, I hope you all have a great, reatful weekend and get to do something that is meaningful to you. :)

Sincerely from the dark abyss,

++DISCLAIMER: I think it's awesome to be vegan and I was for several years myself, and would still be if it were not for my health issues. I'm talking about those who push their opinions on people by force and violence, which honestly makes more harm than good.++

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Goth And Disabled Part 2: Goth-to-goth Interaction

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